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Who are we?

We are a multicultural, multilingual library, situated on the third floor of the Cervin building. We are two librarians with a deep love for knowledge, books and literacy. You want some help with your research, you want to ask a tricky question or you have a project in mind and you want someone to help find basic material? Then come see us: the library is beautiful and you are most welcome!

The Library in a Nutshell

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Secondary Library - Collège du Léman Sàrl

Route de Sauverny 74 | PO Box 156

CH-1290 Versoix-Genève

+41 22 775 55 88

A Nord Anglia Education School






8:00 - 17:15

8:00 - 18:00

8:00 - 17:15

8:00 - 17:15

8:00 - 16:30

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